We will not ship any cards that appear to be illegal or nefarious in any way. Any fake IDs (or anything along those lines) will be flagged and not sent out.
By uploading images to our site, you defer to blankblank-id.com’s better judgement as to what is considered illegal or nefarious. You understand that any flagged designs will not be sent, and your money may not be reimbursed.
If you aren’t sure about a design, email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to help.
By uploading to our site, you agree that you have the rights to the artwork you are submitting, and do not hold blankblank-id.com responsible for any issues caused by infringement.
By uploading to our site, you understand the minimum design requirements and will not hold blankblank-id.com responsible for poor quality cards due to artwork. You acknowledge that any images close to the edge of the card may be cut off due to normal variance in printing. If you are not sure about artwork, please see our guidelines. If you don’t know what our guidelines mean, find someone who does.
We will not disseminate, sell, or reuse any designs uploaded. You retain the rights to them. We will not disseminate, sell, or use any shipping info or data.
We reserve the right to refuse to print any card that we feel violates the law and its intents as interpreted by the Doppelbadger team
You must agree to the terms before continuing